Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Amsterdam is...not what we expected

May 31, 2010

    Robby and I spent the early afternoon in the Gatwick airport, ready to board our train to Amsterdam. We arrived in Amsterdam near 7pm after a day of trains, shuttles and planes and were happy to be settled. Little did we know, we'd end up walking right through the Red Light District. Now to some, this may sound appealing. Robby and I were horrified. Women stand in the windows like mannequins and beckon to onlookers. The smell of marijuana hangs like a heavy cloud around what one would think was an innocent "coffee shop". We quickly learned to differentiate. We tucked into an Irish Bar looking for some comfort food but were remiss at the lack of authenticity. Then we hurried home to the cheapest hotel we could find. We were greeted with the smallest room possible, one bed and a shower with half of a curtain. The lap of luxury.

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