Monday, May 10, 2010

We're Going to Find Us a Gerard Butler Here!

Today we took an amazing tour of Dublin and absolutely fell in love. We visited Saint Patrick's Cathedral (built in the 1100's) and in the spirit of being noticeably touristy, jumped out of the van to take photos of the multi-colored doors in the town. The church is just awe-inspiring, lined with tattered flags from old battles and statues commemorating those lost as early as 1290. The parks are just stunning, with tulips and rolling green hills, and we were so excited to smell the amazing air promised of these floral greens. We had a perfect lunch on the top floor of a converted barn overlooking the flowers and greenery and could barely bring ourselves to leave.
When we returned to the hotel, we quickly turned round and left for the Dublin Institute of Technology for a lecture on Irish journalism from two young Irish journalists. Great to be in a university setting again-- everyone looks so hip here! The lecture was mildly painful, so we tended to our boredom by flicking through Irish tabloids and drawing perfect recreations of our lecturers. After our lecture, we strolled through the campus of Trinity College, which is just beautiful. Yet another antiquated building that just leaves you speechless.
So much homework to do, so forced to stay in tonight. Instead of being attentive, of course, Lilly and I watched "P.S I Love You" in the spirit of being Irish. We stayed where the Irish parts of the movie were filmed! (You're my Galway girl...) Will keep you posted after I wipe away all my tears evoked by the film...

All my love, Brit xx

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