Saturday, May 15, 2010

Buses=Not the Way to See London

May 14,2010

     Today, we began our classes! After an hour long commute, using both buses and the Tube, we arrived at the University of London. Amazing to think that we're having our schooling here. After the basic scholastic rundown, we were herded into buses to begin our overview of the city. Our leader was a Scottish man, who resembled Shrek in both appearance and voice, and we saw all of the big sights from our bus window. At times, we were given the liberty to explore for 15 minutes but that was the extent of our freedom. After this taste of London, we headed to a local Italian cafe and had an unbelievable meal. Dining in local places has been tremendously rewarding. We've yet to struggle with eating here!
  Heres a great story for the kids. Took the tube home from the middle of the city, as we always do. There was only standing room, so Lily and I were forced to stand near the back, holding on only to poles. The guy standing next to me, separated only by a suitcase, dashes off the train. The thing is, he leaves the suitcase and never returns. People start to notice as the train begins to move and panic sets in. All of the sudden, the entire train was committed to finding out who owned that suitcase and whether or not we were going to live through the experience. The woman across the train yells to me to ask the guy sitting to my left who, at the time, was completely oblivious. Much to the relief of the entire train, he confessed ownership. The entire train breathed easier. What a moment!

Taking over London begins tomorrow! Love you all! xx

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