Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CNN and Bicycles

May 24, 2010

Today was yet another sunny day in London, We've been too lucky here with the sun and heat. We took advantage of the heat in Kensington Park, looking at the Princess Diana memorials and the gorgeous fountains. Then we had an interview with Richard Quest, the Wallstreet correspondent for CNN International. Fascinating man, spoke very candidly on journalism and the type of field we are getting ourselves into. He spoke on ethical issues, needing to eat, sleep and breathe news and how journalists are merely gossipers. CNN International was a very cool institution, got to see some filming and walk around the newsroom. Then we headed to Portabello Road which was full of all kinds of sights. Antique jewelry and furniture, gorgeous fruit stands and super cute boutiques line the famous street. Such a sight, you find things you've never even entertained in thought! We headed back home for some amazing Indian Cuisine at Bombay Bicycle, something we've been committed to since we arrived. I couldn't recommend this cuisine more, such interesting tastes and combinations. Really amazing.
    Hit the town after some lovely white wine with dessert and hung out with the entirety of the study abroad group. Everyone danced and sang and reveled in our last week here. I don't think I could find one person prepared to leave.

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